Nature Art
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Central idea (stand alone unit): The natural world provides inspiration to artists.
Project Description: Students inquired into nature art after getting inspiration from the artist Andy Goldsworthy. They created nature art including leaf rubbings and nature mandalas. For this project, students gathered leaves from outside and created several sketches exploring various compositions. After receiving feedback, they selected their favorite sketch and created their final artwork using white oil pastels with tempera paint on top.
Mondrian Primary Color Art
Central idea (transdisciplinary): People communicate using various forms of expression.
Project Description: Students inquired into various forms of expression in their homeroom and specials classes. In art class, they inquired into color and how color can be used to express ourselves and our emotions. Students learned about primary colors, secondary colors, warm & cool colors, and complimentary colors. After investigating the artwork of Piet Mondrian, students created their own Mondrian-inspired artwork using tape, cardboard dipped in black paint, tempera paint, and collaged paper.