Mark Rothko Self-Portrait
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Central idea (stand alone unit): Colors can be used and interpreted in a variety of ways
Project Description: Students inquired into primary colors, secondary colors, warm & cool colors, complimentary colors, and monochromatic colors. They investigated the artwork of Mark Rothko and found out that colors can make us feel different emotions. First, students decided which emotion they would represent. Then, they planned their abstract background (inspired by Rothko) in their art journals, as shown below. After receiving feedback from peers on their best sketch, students created their backgrounds using oil pastels and tempera paint. Students drew self-portraits of themselves expressing their emotions and added them to their background.
Pattern Sculpture
Central idea (stand alone unit): Noticing and analyzing patterns helps us explain and respond to our environment.
Project Description: Students inquired into patterns in art and in the environment. They went on a pattern hunt around school to find and sketch patterns in their art journal, as shown below. They used these patterns to create various forms of art. Students used wood and wire to create their desired shape and then covered the sculpture using nylons. Students added patterns using acrylic paint and permanent markers.