Campus Structures
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Featured Artwork
Central idea (stand alone unit): People use a process to create art
Project Description: Students inquired into the design cycle. They investigated the campus to find problems with the school campus and they thought of what is missing and/or could be changed. After sketching possible solutions, students received feedback from their peers. Once they selected their best idea, students created blueprints of their structure using white charcoal and blue paper. Lastly, students used recycled materials to create 3D models of their structures. Students excitedly decided to invite the head of school, principal of school, and head of operations to art class to share their ideas in hopes that the school could implement some of their ideas and/or use their ideas in the planning of the new campus.
Kandinsky Music Art
Central idea (stand alone unit): Music can inspire art.
Project Description: Students learned about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and his special ability of synesthesia: he could hear colors and see sounds. Students created abstract art based on a variety of different music types using oil pastels and water color pencils. Students created their final artwork based on their favorite song. Some chose to include 3D elements such as wire and cut paper forms.