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Identity Self-Portraits

Central idea (stand alone unit): A portrait reflects the can reflect the identity of the person depicted.

Project Description: Students inquired into a variety of self-portraits and learned that often self-portraits depict a person's identity. They explored their identity by creating mind maps. Students learned about their facial proportions and drew half of their face. They inquired into color pencils and explored various techniques in their art journals. They completed the other half of their face using elements from their identity mind maps. Students also created wire portraits by taping wire on top of transparency sheets with their photo below. They learned about a variety of acrylic painting techniques and created several paintings using complimentary colors and gradients. Eventually, students chose their favorite acrylic painting as the background to their wire portraits.

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Shakespeare Performances

Central idea (transdisciplinary): Creativity is a key element of performance that engages an audience and invites a response.

Project Description: In their homeroom class and in art and drama classes, students inquired into performance. In art class, students created their costumes, set design, and props for their Shakespeare performances.

Photo Collage

Central idea (stand alone unit): People use the elements and principles of design to create dynamic artwork.

Project Description: Students inquired into the elements of art and principles of design through photography. They explored digital photography using the rule-of-thirds, positive and negative space, focal point, and composition techniques. Students learned about collage and looked at how various artists create collage using mixed media. They printed their favorite photo and used it as the base of their photo collages. 

Art Journals

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